Thursday, December 30, 2010

Will only our rivers run free? Because our fucking public supply certainly won't!

Why is it......

That when you put two people, both of whom throughout their entire political "careers" have asked the vexatious "Will only our rivers run free"? , in positions of responsibility at NI Water they invariably fuck it all up?

Has nobody else noticed the irony?

To borrow a phrase from a good friend "Conor Murphy couldn't run a bath nevermind a Government department and now, as a result of his handy work, neither can half the country".

Lets see some real accountability and responsibility from these two cheerleaders for public scrutiny.

Mairtin, having berated previous directors for their supposed shortcomings, accepted a directorship at NI Water faster than a rat up one of their (cracked) pipes. Let's see if he'll do the honourable thing and hold himself to his own high standards and resign as a result of his incompetence - I don't fucking think so.

Conor, let's be having you. For years you sniped from the sidelines at various ministers whom you deemed incompetent or not fit for purpose. How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot? Will you be tendering your resignation any time soon or will you opt to sacrifice more public servants in the name of confidence / competence building in an attempt to cling on to your little fifedom?

We've seen how power hungry and control crazed Sinn Fein have become. Your contempt for your electorate and indeed the entire population of Northern Ireland is in keeping with the contempt of your erstwhile fellow travellers and their contempt for their many victims.

If either of you have a shred of common decency or integrity you would stand down with immediate effect.

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