Friday, December 26, 2008

"Illegal downloading isn't killing music" and all that bollocks....

You don't have to be a genius to figure it out - but being a bit "thick" when it suits you certainly helps if you like to think that illegal downloading of music and films is a "victimless crime".

Pictured above are three recent high street victims - Woolworths, Fopp and Zavvi.

All three were heavily dependant on the sales of recorded music and DVDs - for years it formed the core of their businesses. Thousands of their employees have been laid off as a result of the closure of their respective stores. These people are victims, victims of mass theft in a virtual world where the perpetrators involved ease their consciences by assuming that what they are doing is harming no one.

The supposed "victimless" nature of illegal downloading of music and films has been exposed as a lie, flawed in every sense of the word.

Those who use the lamest of arguments - that they buy music if they like it after downloading it - should now stop deluding themselves and those whom they are trying to convince that they are not thieves.

The arguments, both for and against illegal downloading, are well rehearsed and well documented and do not need to be revisited. Interestingly the "pro" argument is based on hyperbole and future business models which do not yet exist or which are at best in their infancy (itunes etc are merely fingers in an ever haemorrhaging dam).

The facts of the matter are that the actions of illegal downloaders have started coming home to roost and real people - just like you, your mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, husband or wife are losing their jobs, houses, cars and families.

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Shannon Matthews - MI5 whilstleblower!

God bless Shannon Matthews, the undercover MI5 operative who risked her life to lift the lid on the horrific Government experiment that is "Dewsbury". The nation owes her a considerable debt of gratitude.

Ms Matthews, a 28 year old Israeli counter terrorism expert who suffers from rare degenerative ageing and growth disorders which make her seem like a nine year old, risked her life to expose the cruelty and perverse Government sponsored experiment which went unreported in West Yorkshire for almost 30 years.

In the early 70's the Tory Government hatched a plan now known to be called "Operation village idiots" to create an environment in which the educationally subnormal the great unwashed and people who have never heard of domestic cleanliness might co-exist.

Fearing the political backlash of such a controversial moniker the spooks at MI5 suggested that "Dewsbury" would be a more appropriate codename and, as such, a sociological nightmare was born.

To learn more about our exclusive findings simply watch Sky TV reports or pick up any one of the national tabloids and see how this crass experiment in social engineering has gone wrong.

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