Cameron to ask public sector workers to recommend cuts.
Prime minister David Cameron is to write to almost six million public sector workers to ask them which cuts they might recommend.
Happy to oblige....
Labels: Cameron, cameron cuts, public sector cuts
Ulster Bank - Home insurance rip off.
Received a reply dated 17th this morning on Natwest letterhead (pic above) from customer services consultant Bekki Sharpe and, guess what, not only does she appear unable to understand plain english (see the text of my letter in bold below) but she can't even be arsed to compete with the Legal & General quote and still wants me to advise her as to whether I want to proceed with their (Ulster Bank) cover.
--- UPDATE ---
My, my, my look what I just came across:
State owned banks insurance ripoff
It's that time of year again that Angrytown Towers need insured (buildings & contents).
The terribly helpful people at Ulster Bank home insurance took it upon themselves to save me the bother of worrying my pretty little head about all the bothersome detail of renewing my policy by doing it for me, automatically. They even deducted the first month premium and then wrote to me to tell me they had done so.
Since I, along with every other tax payer in the UK and Northern Ireland, effectively own the Ulster Bank by way of our having bailed out its parent company RBS I thought I'd investigate a little further.
A cursory perusal of a certain well known insurance comparison site produced some rather shocking results which prompted me to write to Mr Neil Carmody the terribly helpful "Personal Insurance Manager" at Ulster Bank home insurance as follows:
"Mr Carmody,
Reference: Home Insurance Renewal Policy proposal XXXXXXXX – copy attached.
Further to your correspondence of June 1st, copy attached, in relation to the above matter. Having conducted the bare minimum of research in relation to the offerings of your competitors I was able to source a better value, with better overall cover, home Insurance package from Legal & General, copy attached.
As a long standing customer who holds several accounts with Ulster Bank I am extremely disappointed to note the obviously uncompetitive nature of the quote provided by yourselves.
By way of example Legal and Generals’ quote which is some £164.00 cheaper than yours offers exactly what your quote offers but also affords us up to £400,000.00 of cover in the event of a rebuild whereas your quote offers only £99,000.00.
On that basis, notwithstanding your preparedness or ability to match, or better, the terms and rate of the offer from Legal & General, then I would ask that you consider this my formal rejection of your proposed cover and associated CCA agreement.
I trust that you shall advise me by return at your earliest convenience in order that appropriate continuous cover might be arranged.
The letter, sent by recorded delivery on June 7th, was signed for on June 9th.
Today, June 19th, I still await a reply from Mr Carmody.
I suspect I'm not going to receive one though as I'm sure he can't be too happy at having this rip off policy (pun intended) of the Ulster Bank brought to his attention - and now published in the public domain.
Beware RBS and Ulster Bank rip off policies especially if, like me, you have your mortgage with them and they offer only 25% of the rebuild cost protection of their competitors (I wonder why?) yet charge £164.00 a year more.
It's clear rhat the banks, specifically RBS, haven't a shred of humility about them.
Labels: Neil Carmody, RBS home insurance ripoff, RBS ripoff, Ulster Bank rip off, Ulster Bank home insurance ripoff
Savile report leaked!!
The Angrytown News™ has acquired a leaked copy of the Savile report into the atrocity which has become known world wide as "Bloody Sunday".
Such was the international outrage that Bono, lead guitarist with the then chart topping Dublin band Engine Alley, penned the emotionally charged ballad "Sunday, Bloody Sunday pride in the name of Harlem".
"shock" findings of the Savile report (which cost tax payers 400,000 gazillion pounds) will make uncomfortable reading for some - especially those with piles.
You can read it here for free.
Labels: Bloody Sunday Inquiry, Savile report
It's a word which just popped into my head today. It's an amalgamation of "Paedophile" (obviously) and "Paparazzi" (equally obvious).
It's a noun which denotes a photographer who takes shots of celebrity children or the children of celebrities.
Pretty neat, huh?
Using google etc I haven't managed to find an instance of it being used previously so, that being the case, I hereby claim it as a world first!!
Labels: celebrity children, Paedorazzi
Sinn Fein, the Housing Executive and sectarian intimidation in Dunmurry.
For anyone who thought that the days of sectarian bigotry were at an end here is the news:
The Angrytown News has been contacted by an individual representing a third party who has complained of sectarian bigotry to the PSNI, Sinn Fein and the Housing Executive and has been told, in various guises, to simply "get on with it".
The individual in question is a young single mother with a toddler son who suffers from epilepsy living in a privately owned semi detached property just off Upper Dunmurry Lane. Since just before Christmas 2009 (the same time that her elderly adjoining neighbour discovered that she and her son were catholics) she has been the victim of a relentless onslaught of abuse in the shape of walls being banged throughout the day and night and in the most recent incident of last week a brick was hurled through her kitchen window.
At one stage she phoned the Housing Executive (her next door neighbour - the offending party - is a tenant who has lived at that address all of her life) whist her neighbour was banging the wall in order that they might hear for themselves what she was being subjected to.
The Housing Executive sent out one of their staff, a Mr Jeffrey Harrison, who spoke with the neighbour in question to get her "side" of the story. He then called in with the complainant. The first question Mr Harrison asked the young mother was if she had any ID. On producing her Irish passport she was asked by Mr Harrison "
Do you not have a proper British one?"
Enough said.
The young mother, having now had any semblance of faith she had in the Housing Executive's ability to deal with the situation shattered when faced with such obvious anti Catholicism decided that her best course of action would be to bring the matter to the attention of
Angela Nelson of Sinn Fein.
Well, well, well. Sinn Fein's advice - having spoken with Mr Harrison's manager and agreeing to "
give it a bye ball this time" - was that the young mother should be thankful for the ten housing points the intimidation had "earned" her and should actively seek to be moved to Housing Executive accomodation or a shelter.
Sorry, let me get this right. Sinn Fein have just been advised of a campaign of sectarian bigotry being carried out against a young woman and her disabled son and their answer is to gloss over / turn a blind eye to institutionalsed sectarian bigotry and for her to up sticks and move?!?
My, my we've come a long way haven't we? A party built on the premise of anti-sectarianism, "An Ireland of equals", turns a blind eye and runs away with its tail between its legs when presented with an alcoholic old woman and her dyed in the wool orange bigotry.
There is
no place in modern society for sectarian bigotry
from any quarter - nor is there any excuse for turning a blind eye to it!
Labels: Bigotry, Dunmurry, Housing Executive NI, Orange, PSNI, Sinn Fein