Angrytown News
Friday, April 30, 2010
"Parking" the useless, inconsiderate fucker way.
I hate people who "park" like this inconsiderate fucker at the Kennedy Centre shopping complex in Angrytown this evening.
How, in good fucking God, did these people pollute the gene pool and what makes them think they are entitled to two parking spaces?
Is this what "our brave boys and girls" are risking their lives for in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I should fucking hope not!
Labels: Afghanistan, bad parking, Brave boys and girls, disabled, inconsiderate bastard, Iraq
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Vodafone, losing the plot?
Angry is a very long time customer of Vodafone - as is Mrs Angry and the three Angryites. Our contracts are currently up for renewal so we thought it might be appropriate to engage Vodafone with a view to negotiating a deal.Here's what happened:
On Tuesday April 20th at about lunchtime I took a call from a Vodafone representative who had been reviewing my accounts on foot of my request some two weeks earlier for the various PAC numbers. The chap assured me that he'd be very unhappy to lose my custom and that he'd like to try and hammer out a deal to keep me, Mrs Angry and the kids, as Vodafone customers.
Unfortunately I’m afraid his call confirmed my very worst fears - Vodafone have totally lost the plot as far as retaining existing customers is concerned.
His proposed “deal” in order to retain us as a family of five was to reduce the allowance on both contract handsets of 600 free minutes by 50% to 300 minutes and reduce the existing line rental per handset from £12.50 (inc VAT) to £10.00 (inc VAT).
It became clear what was at play when he suggested that I downgrade the family pack from the group of six (there are five in my immediate family) to the group of four (yes, you read that right) for £5.00 (inc VAT) – it had obviously escaped his notice whilst "reviewing" my account that I am currently getting the group of six for no cost at all.
Effectively, in real / monetary terms, he was “offering” to halve our existing free minutes allowance and knock one of our family off the free calls package in an attempt to retain our custom.
I’m sure readers will appreciate that whilst I’m disappointed, I'm not at all surprised.
I think this type of "offer" is something which senior management at Vodafone might want to look into as it is bound to lose Vodafone considerable numbers of customers who can see through badly thought out retention campaigns - especially in the current economic climate.
Be wary of any company that's prepared to take you for a fool - and your hard earned cash for granted.
Labels: leaving, retentions, Vodafone, Vodafone offers
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Benefit fraud - three strikes and you're out!!
What in thundering blue fuck are the Government thinking?Yesterday on the news Cameron announced that the Tories, if elected, would introduce legislation that anyone caught engaging in benefit fraud three times, yes you read that right, three times, will have their benefit stopped for up to three years.
What is so wrong with society that we can't simply stop someones benefit the first time they are caught?
Better still, when they are caught their benefits (all of them) should be stopped immediately for a period of not less that twelve months and, in the event that they have been claiming benefit for for more than twelve months their benefits should be stopped for a period to reflect the length of time they might have been claiming illegally.
Tough? Yes, but it will certainly put a stop to this nanny state attitude of second and third generations of families living off state benefits having their rent, rates etc paid whilst doing the double with seeming impunity and sniggering at those with the moral fibre to work legitimately to earn a living.
If the Government are serious about stopping benefit fraud and reducing unemployment claims then they best get used to the fact that the threat of getting fined two pounds a week from your benefit in the event that you are caught is no fucking deterrent whatsoever.
Wake the fuck up!
Labels: Benefit fraud, Caught cheating, Three strikes
Thursday, April 08, 2010
TalkTalk talks the talk by talking bollocks....
Leading UK ISP TalkTalk has expressed outrage at the Digital Economy Bill having been passed through parliament last night. They are obviously fucked off that their "dont disconnect us campaign" which raised over 30,000 signatures failed to connect (oh the irony) as far as MPs and legislators are concerned.
The campaign floundered, didn't have the desired effect and now they - along with other UK ISPs - are facing the very real prospect of having to actually do something about illegal filesharing carried out by their customers.
TalkTalk's voiciferous anti-disconnection stance is somewhat bizarre given the fact that their own Terms and Conditions have very clear provision for same.
Their rally cry as far as the Digital Economy Bill is concerned has always been "If we are instructed to disconnect an account due to alleged copyright infringement we will refuse to do so and tell the rightsholders we’ll see them in court." This is quite obviously complete bollocks.
Someone should point out that according to their very own terms and conditions as can be viewed here TalkTalk are quite happy to disconnect customers as we can see from the following:
Your Use of the Services
6.1 You agree not to use the Services:
6.1.1 for business purposes or to sell on or supply the Services to anyone on a commercial basis;
6.1.2 for making calls, sending data, publishing, knowingly receiving, uploading or downloading any data or material which are or may be reasonably deemed to be a nuisance, a hoax, abusive, obscene, racist, defamatory, menacing, indecent (including to the Customer Services operators who deal with enquiries concerning the Service), in breach of confidence, in breach of any intellectual property right (including copyright) or which is otherwise objectionable or unlawful, or you allow others to do these things.
7.1 We may suspend immediately the provision of the Services to you until further notice without compensation if:
7.1.1 we reasonably suspect that you are in breach of these Conditions;
So, there you have it, TalkTalk are telling their customers and anyone gullible enough to buy into their PR shitfest that they want to force rights holders to take them to court to have people cut off whilst simultaneously reserving the right within the terms and conditions of their very own contracts to cut their customers off if they even "reasonably suspect" that they've been uploading or downloading illegally.
Catch a fucking grip chaps - just how stupid do you think your customers are?
Hold on, on second thoughts - don't bother answering that.
Labels: Bollocks, Digital Economy Bill passed, Dont disconnect us, TalkTalk refuse to disconnect, UK ISP
Sunday, April 04, 2010
That worthless strip of land.
Fuck me, it's not like things weren't shitty enough for him - what with his wife Iris having lost her job as an MP , MLA and Councillor after having been caught fucking a teenager who she'd set up in business with a couple of loans from friends™.
Now a new "scandal" has surfaced and much noise and bluster is being made about DUP leader and Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinsons' business dealings with the late* property developer Fred Frazer. The most recent BBC revelation involves his having bought a "worthless" strip of land from his close friend™ for £5.00 which he then sold back to another property developer (for £5.00) having made a measly £460,000.00 after the sale of some of his own land which was made possible, in no small part, by his ownership of the "worthless" strip of land. Robinson was of course furious at the "smear" and in a tv interview showed his natural inclination for bullying and intimidating those who threaten to expose him.
We at the Angrytown News believe** that this was an entirely legitimate business deal with no implications for the DUP leader, First Minister whatsoever. Indeed we base this on the fact that one of our intrepid reporters has unearthed the original advertisement for the sale of the land as posted by the ghost of the late Fred Frazer on the popular internet site "gumtree" (see the image above which you can click on to see in its full glory).
In his defence Mr Robinson contends that the BBC are out to get him by mounting a campaign of smears and that anyone affording any creedence to those smears is a liar. The whole debacle is starting to resemble the sort of politics of certain South American countries where smear and innuendo are used to besmirch individuals and, when that fails to stop them, murder can be solicited and sanctioned for political purposes.
Thankfully we live in a peaceful democracy. Hold that thought.
* by "late" we don't mean that properties developed by Mr Frazer take an inordinate time from conception to completion, we mean he's dead.
** sorry, please preface with "don't".
Labels: First minister, Land deal, Peter Robinson., Possible scandal, Robinson, Worthless strip of land
Friday, April 02, 2010
Belfast SXSW junta - what's wrong with this picture?
Hooray!A dozen or so musicians have just returned to our fair shores having been away to Austin Texas to attend the annual SXSW (South by South West) music industry jamboree. What you will not deduce from the very "rock n' roll" style promotional material below is that their attendance there was funded by Belfast City Council.
That's quite an admirable move on the part of BCC and their creative people but it appears that the creativity doesn't stop at the music.
Take for example the fact that none of the bands appearing at the "Belfast Rocks" event are actually from Belfast but instead predominately from the Maiden City or its immediate surroundings (Coleraine, Magherafelt) throw into the mix the fact that at least two of the acts are signed to and funded by record labels and one would have to wonder if
a) Belfast bands are so shite they do not merit listening to or supporting / promoting
b) if record labels are in such dire financial straits that they need subsidised (with the help of my fucking taxes I hasten to add) to market their wares.
Either way Belfast appears to be in creative meltdown with funding intended for its citizens being distributed by the capital city to already signed bands from other cities and towns (not to mention certain businesses from other parts of the UK) whist the grass roots of creativity go undernourished because they are neither "hip" nor "sussed" enough to milk the system to their own advantage.
Checks and balances? I don't think so - certainly not from an NI audit perspective.
Labels: Belfast bands are shite, Belfast Rocks, quango, SXSW